American Samizdat

Thursday, July 14, 2005. *
Via WRH:
FLASHBACK: ICTS International N.V. Reports Entering Into the Railroad Security Business ICTS International N.V. Reports Entering Into the Railroad Security Business

ICTS, the company that handled security at the 9-11 airports, moved into railroad security only 2 months ago, and landed a contract for the London tube.

Mr. Atzmon further stated that Mr. Graf's knowledge and experience in the important area of rail security will also be used in connection with ICTS's ongoing operations in other security fields.

For the past ten years Mr. Graf has headed the Israeli railways security division...

My bolding, of course.

Oh, and for good measure don't miss this little ditty:
Commissioner of London Transport is ex CIA!
posted by Uncle $cam at 11:03 AM
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