American Samizdat

Friday, July 29, 2005. *
Editorial from the UK medical journal The Lancet criticizes US coalition for failure to collect stats on Iraqi civilian deaths. It cites the Iraq Body Count (IBC) organization's recent listing of more than 24,000 civilian deaths.

The Lancet comments: "IBC compiled a credible list of deaths using just news reports and computers; the fact that the Coalition, equipped with a robust and expanding medical division, has not done so is an indefensible omission--and makes a mockery of international law. The adamant refusal of the USA and its partner countries to keep count of Iraqi deaths is a stance that renders farcical the Geneva Conventions' principle that invading forces have a duty to make every effort to protect civilian lives. How can the Coalition attest that it respects this obligation if it refuses to collect data to prove it? The US-led Coalition that instigated the war claims to have acted on behalf of the Iraqi people. At the very least, Iraq's beleaguered citizens deserve to be told the true price--in numbers of lost human lives--they have paid for a conflict undertaken in their names."
posted by RHerman at 7:36 AM
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