American Samizdat

Thursday, July 07, 2005. *
. . . causing more Bush mumbo jumbo: "These evildoers are the enemies of freedom, and we will hunt them down and get 'em"--just like Bush got Osama, right? Does this mean England will lead an invasion against another country that had nothing to with this morning's attacks?

Somehow, I think this time England will do better than that. Let's hope, this time, that the real perpetrators of this murderous attack will be found and put to justice, and nobody will use this event for politics, for fear factor, or for future invasions having nothing to do with this attack which will line the pockets of Dick Cheney or his equivalent in England. We can only hope.

UPDATE: By the way, thousands of children died yesterday across the world of starvation, and now 'terrorism' is supposed to be at the top of the G8 agenda? Who did this attack benefit, exactly? You could practically see Blair dusting off his post 9-11 speeches. (Bush's post 9-11 speeches, of course, never gathered dust.) How many more billions will be poured into the military/industrial complex because of this? And who, exactly, is the "The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe"? The linguistic flourish on this new title points to somebody who has a background in spin--the 'secret organization' bit is completely unnecessary--as opposed to "The Public Organization of al-Qaida in Europe"?
posted by Dr. Menlo at 8:55 AM
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