American Samizdat

Saturday, July 09, 2005. *
Newspaper Withholding Two Articles After Jailing - New York Times

To say they are dangling these potentialities for the sake of stirring the pot of discontent over the Supreme Court's recent decision not to hear the appeal of Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper in the Valerie Plame leak debacle, well, that would imply there was some shred of merit to their spinelessness.

That there was a chilling effect on the freedom of the press, anyone in this country able to peek out from under their star-spangled blindfolds could have told you this. Is the future of this country in the hands of lawyers who believe protecting your newspaper's (and their paycheck's) existence to be more important than disseminating information which is apparently "profoundly important," and "of significant interest to the public"?

I must ask you this: Why the fuck do you exist if it isn't for the public good?

If your answer is because you're in this for the money, then you may as well close down that beautiful building of yours which rests beside the interstate near my home, because you just gave every self-respecting citizen in this area reason to stop buying your so-called "newspaper".

It's bad enough sites like craigslist are kicking the industry's collective asses by sucking classified revenue out of your pockets. Shooting yourselves in the foot isn't going to do anything but hasten your transformation to irrelevancy in this digital age.
posted by Unknown at 12:26 PM
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