American Samizdat

Tuesday, June 21, 2005. *

"Watch this video (quicktime) (part 2 here)
of an Arabic-speaking former soldier, Aidan Delgado, who faced abuse and attacks after filing for Conscientious Objector status.
His compassionate and powerful talk includes detailed Geneva Convention violations and shockingly personal accounts of the inhumanity he witnessed and experienced."

On the classic phenomenon of dehumanizing the enemy via language.

"In English, or in army usage it has the exact same meaning or connotation as 'gook' or 'charlie' or 'nigger.' it's very very prevalent in the military. only on a handful of occasions did I every hear Iraqis referred to as Iraqis.
The rest of the time it was haji this and haji that...and all of this contributed to an atmosphere that brutalizes civilians and ultimately brutalized the prisoners that we had under our thumb at Abu Ghraib."

via Tom Feeley's excellent Information Clearing House

posted by Youngfox at 9:32 PM
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