American Samizdat

Thursday, June 23, 2005. *
Ahh, yes that bastion of democracy and information "the peoples media" (/sarcasm)

A brilliant article by Sanjoy Mahajan in ZNET analyzes with crystalline clarity and exposes the shameless cover-up tactics used by The New York Times when dealing with the Downing Street Memos (minutes) and briefings.
In Mahajan's words:

The NYT articles — masterpieces of delay, indirection, distraction, fake rebuttals, and elegant omission — keep readers ignorant of the lies and the lying liars who tell them. No wonder so many Americans still support this gangster war.

Sanjoy Mahajan's Anatomy of a Coverup may be found here

This analysis reveals some dire issues with the prop-agenda blitz going on to implement the "final solution" to C+ Augustus and his brownshirts paxamericana agenda.
posted by Uncle $cam at 1:26 PM
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