American Samizdat

Saturday, June 18, 2005. *
Marcus Wesson has been martyred by anti-religious bigots. Wesson is a dedicated Christian man, and lives his life in emulation of the heroes of the Bible. While Wesson still has the support of his friends and family, the courts have found him guilty of murders he did not commit. The press is labelling him a fanatic, an extremist, and worse - only because he did what the Bible said he should do. Wesson faces the death penalty for his God-sanctioned activities.

Just like Lamech, Abram, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, Gideon, Elkanah, Solomon, Ashur, Rehoboam, Abijah, Jehoiada and others, Wesson was a polygamist. Just like Lot, Abraham, and Amram, Wesson had sex with his daughters. Just like Moses, David, Jerimiah, Hosea, Jesus [1] [2] and God, Wesson ordered others to kill children but did not kill them himself.

If these activist judges can strip away Wesson's freedom of religion, then there is no telling where they will stop. Soon, disabled people will be allowed to go to church, slavery will be outlawed and final control of the United States will be seized by vegetarians, advocates of democracy, and menstruating women. Defend the Bible - free Marcus Wesson!
posted by Trevor Blake at 7:47 AM
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