American Samizdat

Tuesday, June 07, 2005. *
Alternative Healing
Reuters reports: "A California man who injured three Hmong men in a fight must pay their medical bills including more than $6,000 for animals and herbal medicines used in traditional healing ceremonies, a court has ruled. Chad Wilson Keichler pleaded no contest to civil rights violations for uttering racial slurs against the Asian men during the brawl in Butte, California, and was ordered by a trial court to reimburse them for their medical expenses.

"In addition to submitting hospital and doctor bills, the men turned in receipts for herbal medicines and cows, pigs and chickens slaughtered in Hmong 'spirit-calling ceremonies.' Keichler opposed making restitution for the nonmedical expenses, but a California appeals court on Wednesday ruled that he should pay because the ceremony is the equivalent of Western psychotherapy."

Well, why not? The Supreme Court has already decided that while cruelty to animals is illegal, cruelty to animals in the name of religion is allowed. The state is very keen on making sure that God or the Gods or whatever are pleased by our animal sacrifices. Cut off a chicken's head, talk about your problems with a trained and peer-reviewed professional - it's all the same.

It wasn't until 1999 that the State of Oregon ruled child sacrifice illegal by removing religious exemption from child murder cases. The struggle for freedom of religion is occuring in England as well. With cannibalism (Isaiah 49:26) and human sacrifice (2 Samuel 21:1-9) condoned in the Bible, who are we to say it is inhumane? Alternative healing works, right? Or is alternative healing an alternative to healing?
posted by Trevor Blake at 8:41 AM
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