American Samizdat

Sunday, May 15, 2005. *
A woman barred from reading the Bible in her son's kindergarten class is suing a suburban Philadelphia district, claiming it is infringing on her right to express her religious beliefs - and discriminating against Christians.

[Culbertson Elementary School had previously allowed students to read a book about Judaism, learn about the dreidel game, and make Hanukkah decorations. It is of course not fair that Judaism can get some exposure in elementary school and Christianity can't. That is why in the weeks ahead representatives from Islam, Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, Bahai, Mithrism, Astru, Wicca, Taoism, Confucianism, Sihkism, Rastafarianism, Santaria, voodoo, Scientology, Zoroastrianism, the Church of Satan, as well as guest speakers from dozens of aboriginal peoples will be making appearances soon at Culbertson Elementary School. Because either you welcome all the religions equally or you keep them out of public schools. Guess which option leaves time for learning about something besides religion.]
posted by Trevor Blake at 12:27 PM
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