American Samizdat

Friday, May 20, 2005. *
Interesting, Air America has been playing ads for the democratic party of Ohio, which state: "Blackwell gave Bush Ohio." So if the Ohio democratic party believes that the 2004 election was stolen by Blackwell--a Bush operative now running for governor (what's his campaign slogan, anyway? "I stole Ohio for Bush so don't vote for me--what the fuck do I care? I'll get your vote anyway you stupid slab of meat.")--then they believe that, effectively, Bush stole the 2004 election (in addition to the 2000 one).

If the official Ohio democratic party believes that Bush stole the 2004 election and openly says so, why does the national democratic party not follow suit?

(A cursory look at the Ohio dems website unveils no mention of the stolen election, either. So they only want to admit it on Air America?)
posted by Dr. Menlo at 1:20 PM
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