American Samizdat

Monday, May 23, 2005. *
Hot on the hills of flushed Koran's at gitmo, comes Reports on plans for a death chamber at Gitmo And like a sucker punch: From the US Department of Defense's own Marine Corps Web site. It shows a photo taken May 5, 2005 in Iraq. It's a photo of a US tank dubbed the "New Testament" - the name of the tank is written across its barrel. The even funnier part is that this photo MADE IT PAST military censors and the DOD Web page with the photo on it even brags about the name "New Testament" in the caption. So some jerk at the Pentagon knew exactly what this was about and found it funny enough to put on their Web site, and it passed various level of review. Lovely.Why does Newsweek hate America?
-Uncle $cam

Why does Newsweek hate America?

posted by Uncle $cam at 12:30 PM
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