American Samizdat

Sunday, May 15, 2005. *
'God at Work': Evangelical Christians are Carving Niche in the Workplace
Angie Tracey, 49, and her husband attend the First Baptist Church in Conyers, Ga., on Wednesdays and Sundays. For years, she prayed for someone to start a fellowship at the sprawling Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where she works in strategic planning. One day, she said, God let her know she should do it herself. The group, formed in 2001, has 400 members. Its quarterly church picnic-style events have outgrown the CDC's facilities, so members use a sanctuary nearby. The picnic features a "praise team" of singers, a pianist and a potluck. Tracey brings the ham. They are all back at their desks before the lunch hour ends. [source, mirror]

[Am I the only one who finds it terrifying that stragetic planners at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attend church, pray, and have "praise teams?" I like the part about bringing the ham, but I'd hate to be on the wrong side of the line as Tracey cycles between her faith and science.]
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:30 AM
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