American Samizdat

Tuesday, May 10, 2005. *
Faith Based Filtering
The atheist blog The God is for Suckers is now blocked by SonicWALL Content Filtering System. The editor of GIFS writes: "I found this out because I sometimes use the excellent free wi-fi access at Panera Bread, and they use SonicWALL to filter their content. Now, I’m generally against content filtering, but this is a private business providing a free service, so I suppose they’re pretty much entitled to filter if they want. And I can appreciate that they want to impede people who would use their service to advocate violence, or eat up their bandwidth with porn that then gets displayed in the eatery." A reasonable stance on their unreasonable stance. But what happens when tax-funded schools with mandated attendance use Internet filtering from religious companies?
posted by Trevor Blake at 11:46 AM
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