American Samizdat

Tuesday, May 31, 2005. *
Deeper Throat
W Mark Felt, former FBI agent, has claimed to have been 'Deep Throat' - the inside source for news articles that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. We need a new Deep Throat to lead to the resignation of President George W. Bush. We need something like a leaked memo, or blatant public lies, or a clearly fraudulent election... hmmm, maybe those aren't what we need after all. What do we need?
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:03 AM
Anonymous farid said...
Nazism at "Palestinian" Arabs

Nazism at Arab "Palestinians"

Nazi Arabs, racism.
Not just in the 1930's/40's but today.

גזענות ערבית: נאציות אצל ערבים "פלסטינאים". לא רק בשנות ה30 וה40... אלא גם כיום.
العنصرية العربية: النازية بين العرب "الفلسطينيون". ليس فقط في الثلاثينيات والأربعينيات ... ولكن أيضًا اليوم.
6:44 PM  
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