American Samizdat

Saturday, May 14, 2005. *
Axiomatic in the worldview of the fundamentalist, born-again Christian is: "I have the truth, I'm right; you don't have the truth, you're wrong." As a result, critical thinking, research, or intellectual freedom of exploration are not only unnecessary, they are dangerous and potentially heretical. [...] But simply shunning critical thinking does not make one a terrorist. What does, however, is the notion that because one "has the truth" and everyone else who believes differently is "wrong", those individuals will be condemned to spend eternity in hell and must be incessantly reminded of their fate and their "inferior" status in the eyes of God. Moreover, because of one's "superior" spiritual status, one has the so-called "divine authority" to subvert, by whatever means necessary, the very machinery of government in order to establish a theocracy in which one's worldview is predominant.

[In contrast, science is built on a mountain of falsified evidence - science gets it wrong every single day, then learns from its mistakes and gets a little closer to the truth. It is religion, not science, that is the know-it-all nonsense. Too bad for the rest of us that these nuts control the US government, and that they want their apocalypse pronto.]
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:35 AM
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