American Samizdat

Sunday, May 22, 2005. *
lgf: Breaking News: Koran Discovered in Toilet!

I mean really, Charles. Why you aren't chastising your (closed) membership for assuming all Muslims are radical Muslims, is beyond me. Perhaps it's because in your silence you're agreeing with them?

I don't believe in the Bible anymore, not that I ever really did, yet I treat it with respect. By extension, I don't believe in the Koran or Torah either. Never have I even considered disrespecting or otherwise mistreating them, even though I'd (now not so secretly) wished the most radical adherents to these words would get to meet their God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehova, etc... sooner, rather than later.

I did burn a copy of Dianetics once, though. Right outside on my barbeque grill. The nastiest mind-*uck I ever started to read.

The thing which should be pissing everyone off is the mistreatment and misrepresentation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Instead we're being polarized into warring camps of moonbats and wingnuts, while those of us on the periphery of this argument (I'm Libertarian) would like to get you idiots together on something for a change. Is this at all possible, or should we just have a civil-war right now? I'm tired of you pussies on both sides of the fence.

Either put your differences aside, or start throwing fists already.
posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM
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