American Samizdat

Tuesday, April 19, 2005. *
"Every roof under the Sun
should be covered with trees."
That was a quote from a book about Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

I've had that on the mental backburner since Saturday, and I just came upon a related eco-brief at Gapers Block. So let's consider how Hundertwasser's directive is being realized in Chicago... and what can be done in other major cities.

city hall rooftop greenery, chicago
Chicago: The Green City
[as featured in Metropolis]

"Majora Carter writes a piece for New York Newsday, citing Chicago as the leader in the 'green city' movement." An excerpt from Carter's article follows:

"'Behind environmental innovation, there must be policy innovation; and behind policy innovation, there must be a strong mayor. Mayor Daley ensured that the dream of a greener Chicago became a reality because he charged his administration to come up with policies that actually have teeth.'

majora carter"Carter is the director of Sustainable South Bronx, which seeks a bicycle/pedestrian greenway along the South Bronx waterfront to provide open space, waterfront access, and opportunities for mixed-use economic development." Again, Carter wrote:

"Chicago has shown that the [environmental sustainability] debate isn't theoretical. Whether or not one believes that global warming is a serious threat, or that new landfill sites and fossil-fuel sources always will be available, those of us in communities like the South Bronx, southeast Queens and Greenpoint have to deal with these issues now. That's why grassroots activists have taken into our own hands the modeling of environmentally sound policy.

"We are advocating for green and cool roofs on top of our buildings; alternative transportation systems, such as greenways, that promote healthy lifestyles without polluting the air; and recycling industrial parks, in which one business' waste is another's raw material. These projects would save energy -- reducing the need for more and bigger power plants -- and prevent pollution and reduce waste."

See The Greening of The Windy City [PDF] for more about Chicago's environmental plan.
posted by mr damon at 1:28 PM
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