American Samizdat

Saturday, March 05, 2005. *
If Your God is Dead, Try Mine - Or Else
The Washington Post writes (and truth out mirrors, not requiring registration): "Setting out a second-term blueprint for advancing his faith-based initiative, Bush highlighted legislation, heading to the House floor today, that would allow religious charities to hire and fire based on religious beliefs even while receiving federal funding. If Congress does not follow his lead, Bush warned that he would try to circumvent lawmakers by using executive powers."

I am in favor of people making any sort of voluntary association they like, and playing according to their own rules. But I am not in favor of the use of my tax dollars to fund religious beliefs. If a religious group wants to hire and fire by any sort of criteria, more power to them. If they want federal funding, let them move to one of the many existing theocracies in the world to get it and stop chipping away at the fundamental laws of the United States of America.
posted by Trevor Blake at 5:26 PM
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