American Samizdat

Friday, March 11, 2005. *
Fatwa Fever!
cross posted at Scrutiny Hooligans

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usTo add to your list of things Scrutiny Hooligans would like to see more of, you can add this tidbit from the CNN:

"Muslim clerics in Spain have issued what they called the world's first fatwa, or Islamic edict, against Osama bin Laden as the country marked the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people.

They accused him of abandoning his religion and urged others of their faith to denounce the al Qaeda leader"
"The fatwa said that according to the Koran "the terrorist acts of Osama bin Laden and his organization al Qaeda ... are totally banned and must be roundly condemned as part of Islam."

This is how you win the war on terror. Ally with muslim leaders and work to peacfully isolate these dangerous men, and when they're found, arrest them. I've never believed in the War on Terror...since terror is a tactic instead of an a War on Haymakers and Left Hooks. By declaring war against these cockeyed murdering fundamentalists, we've elevated them to a warrior status they would not have enjoyed without our help. They're criminals and should be treated as such. And when they twist religion to fuel a murderous agenda, people of faith should speak out.

I've forgotten, am I talking about bin Laden and Al Qaeda or George Bush and the neocons?

While church officials in this country have called for George W. Bush to seek peace, justice, and respect for human rights, they don't have anything analogous to the fatwa. Ah, the beautiful fatwa - it can make authors tremble in Irish castles, women seethe under slavish oppression, and diabetic gimpy old terrorists feel very, very alone. Scrutiny Hooligans would love to see Muslim and Christian leaders come together to condemn leaders who promote violence as a solution. Pin Bush to bin Laden in the popular press and help people to realize which of them has been responsible for the most innocent deaths.
posted by Gordon Smith at 10:02 AM
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