I'd say this is the beginning of the end of our bodies, ourselves, but it's even further down the road to The Handmaid's Tale than that. The Kansas Attorney General is pressing health clinics for complete medical records on women who sought late term abortions as well as girls under the age of 16 who sought abortions. The AG, Phill Kline, purports to be looking for evidence of crimes as it is illegal in Kansas to have sex with girls that young. There are also laws limiting late term abortions.
According to the Associated Press, the clinics said the Attorney General demanded their complete, unedited medical records for women who sought abortions at least 22 weeks into their pregnancies in 2003, as well as those for girls 15 and younger who sought abortions. Court papers did not identify the clinics.
The records sought include the patient's name, medical history, details of her sex life, birth control practices and psychological profile.
The crime will be the public identity stripping of the 90 some women and girls involved. And who in Kansas will dare ask now for reproductive services of any kind, knowing that the AG can peer so pruriently into your private life, your private parts and cynically parade same in a public courtroom in the name of the public good.