American Samizdat

Monday, February 28, 2005. *
Personally, I'd think this would take much longer than just one summer but, in the spirit of having fun with "civil disobedience"...

Starting in the liberal state of California, they hope to evade the attention of local police officers when they ride a bike in a swimming pool and curse on a crazy-golf course.

In the far more conservative - and landlocked - state of Utah, they will risk the penitentiary when they hire a boat and attempt to go whale-hunting.

If they manage to outwit state troopers in Utah, and perhaps federal agents on their trail, they will be able to take a deserved, but nevertheless illegal, rest when they have a nap in a cheese factory in South Dakota.

Article in the Guardian. Via BoingBoing
posted by ben at 6:09 AM
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