American Samizdat

Thursday, February 17, 2005. *
During last year's senate race, Keyes referred to gays and lesbians as "hedonistic sinners" [specifically, the Vice President's daughter] and talked hypothetically about his own family. "If my own daughter were a homosexual, or a lesbian, I would love my daughter, but I would tell my daughter that she was in sin," Keyes said in August. [...] "Before I deny god, before I deny Christ, before I deny my faith, I would die. Surely, then you would understand that I consider the eternal salvation of my children to be the real aim of my parenting, not how they feel today," said Keyes. [...]

At a gay rights rally in Annapolis, Md., [daughter] Maya Keyes said she is coming out as a lesbian in response to escalating tensions with her parents, including her arch-conservative father, whom she worked for in last year's Illinois senate race. Keyes said she also wanted to highlight the struggle of gays in the closet, including a gay friend who died last week after months on the street. [...] Maya told the Washington Post Monday her parents kicked her out of the house and will not pay her college tuition.

[Photograph of Maya Keyes and a friend from Maya's blog:]
posted by Trevor Blake at 8:11 PM
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