American Samizdat

Thursday, January 27, 2005. *
"'It's helpful for me to see just what he was facing, to understand the things he was going through,' said Joe Colgan, 63, yesterday after watching a screening of the upcoming war documentary, Gunner Palace.

"Filmed by former Seattle resident Michael Tucker, the movie shows the Army's 2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, riding patrols and conducting raids in a dangerous section of Baghdad in early autumn of 2003.

"Among the soldiers is Lt. Ben Colgan, 30, a 1991 graduate of Des Moines' Mount Rainier High School. Colgan was killed by a roadside bomb Nov. 1, 2003, just weeks after he was filmed in Iraq. Besides his parents, he left behind four brothers, three sisters, two daughters and a wife pregnant with their third child."
posted by mr damon at 1:55 AM
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