American Samizdat

Thursday, January 20, 2005. *
Catholic Kidnapping Not So Bad After All
It turns out that the 1946 order by Pope Pius XII to not return Jewish children to their parents (after having been entrusted to Christian care to survive the Holocaust) wasn't so terrible. Only two children were so kidnapped, and even they were only held up to 1953. That's nothing! Why, I used to be a child myself, and I'm sure nobody would have cared if someone kidnapped me for a few years because an invisible monster that lives in the sky told them to. Maybe you used to be a child, or have children of your own. As long as it's only one or two children missing, who cares, right? Catholic Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa was kidnapped for all of nineteen hours recently in Iraq, and you didn't hear anybody saying that was a "despicable terrorist act" and demandeding his immediate release. Wait, no you did hear that. So I guess the difference is that as long as it's the right invisible monster that lives in the sky, go for it. Otherwise you're a despicable terrorist.
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:37 AM
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