American Samizdat

Thursday, January 20, 2005. *

Apparently, C Rice indicated that Cuba, Zimbabwe, Burma and Belarus, Iran and North Korea will be the focus of the aggressive war-mongering of the Bush administration in the future.

In Zimbabwe, the famine is blamed on Robert Mugabe, while 73% of all arable land (and 90% of the best land) is owned by 0.03% of the population, namely, descendants of the European Colonialists.  Mugabe has stopped a coup, which is still called "alleged coup" in the establishment press, even though Jack Straw and the South African Interior Minister have admitted knowing about it, but now Mugabe is a villain.  I imagine this has a lot to do with Mugabe's land reform.  See, Montesquieu, the oracle of the American Revolution, talked about Land Reform, but now everyone thinks it is a Communist plot.

Cuba?  Castro did jail about 70 dissidents.  He has released at least one for health reasons.  He hasn't killed them.  We play footsie with Omar Bongo of Gabon, but America seems to have permanent Cuban problems.  Cubans have been agitating for the US government to overthrow their leaders for about 120 years now.  We have done so, four times.  Fat lot of did it good.

Belarus is so much beter than Moldova?  It is more important, GDP speaking.  This looks like a direct aim at the fear the US has of a resurgent Russia.  These people need to get out more!

Iran has no nuclear weapons program, and no one can provide any evidence that they do.  The people who are claiming they do are linked with terrorists who have been killing Iranian leaders (thus encouraging anti-dissident crackdowns) for decades. A few thousand students protesting at the "UC Berkeley of Iran" is what the NY Times and the establishment press want you to focus on, not the largest protest in the history of the world to stop Bush's Iraq war.

North Korea.  It sure might be the worst government on Earth right now.  Burma is pretty sleazy, too.  But recall how we are supposed to treat North Korea... six-way talks.  Why were talks good for North Korea, but no good for Iraq?  A lot of this, believe it or not, is inspired by the Korean War of the 1950s.  Powell was of the mind, and certainly had followers, that Iraq and North Korea were unpunished Cold War aggresors.  North Korea is ruled by a different guy.  A guy who has a surprising lot in common with Dear Leader here in America, e.g neither can spell amygydla.

posted by JoshSN at 10:59 AM
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