American Samizdat

Friday, December 17, 2004. *
What Harm Is There in the Kooky Parts of the Bible?
Everybody knows that the Bible contains some kooky parts. So there's no harm done if they never get ammended, or if clergy never bluntly say 'you know, some of that stuff is just two-thousand year old superstition and nonsense' - right? Except when mothers cut off their children's arms because the Bible told her to. Or fathers mutilate their son's genitals with a hunting knife because the Bible told him to. Or sons strangle their father, because the Bible told him to. Or when a juror uses the Bible to sentance a person to death in court. Or when a serial killer quotes the Bible while raping and murdering women. Or... well, you get the idea.


Really? Well, no one has ever suggested that to me before. You say that these are bad people who use the Bible to justify their bad behavior, and that the Bible itself is good or at least neutral? I'm in partial agreement: no book or song or picture has ever made anybody do something they weren't already inclined to do. But I can say that some media lend themselves to atrocity more than others. And a book that says if you pay lip service to an invisible monster that lives in the sky then you can do anything you want and be 'forgiven' is right up there in ultimate excuses for atrocious behavior. The Bible shouldn't be banned - just demoted to the boring collection of ghost stories that it really is.
posted by Trevor Blake at 11:55 AM
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