American Samizdat

Thursday, December 09, 2004. *
Since the war started in Iraq, the Pentagon says 5,500 U.S. soldiers have deserted, with some of them seeking refugee status in Canada, CBS reported Thursday.

Among them is 26-year-old Jeremy Hinzman, whose Toronto court bid for refugee status wrapped up Wednesday.

Hinzman of Rapid City, S.D., joined the Army in January 2001, and was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. He said he didn't want to simply get out of the Army.

'I had signed a contract for four years,' he said. 'I was totally willing to fulfill it -- just not in combat arms jobs.'

Following his hearing, his lawyer and the Solcitor General's office is expected to file written submissions by Jan. 24. After that, the judge said a decision would be made as soon as possible, the Toronto Sun said.

Meanwhile, other soldiers who were denied conscientious objector status are using the Internet to locate Vietnam-era resisters who assist and even drive objectors to Canada, CBS said.

via Propaganda Matrix
posted by nina h.pixie at 4:21 PM
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