American Samizdat

Friday, December 24, 2004. *
The Reason for the Season
Jesus was named Jesus and was born of a young woman, unless Jesus was named Emanuel and born of a virgin. Jesus' mother, Mary, did or did not remain a virgin for the rest of her life. Jesus was the grandson of Jacob or Heli or maybe somebody else. Jeconiah was one of his ancestors, unless he wasn't because that would mean Jesus was not the messiah. Joseph was or was not his father. The birth of Jesus as a Nazarene was fortold in prophecy, except that prophecy does not occur in the Old Testament. Jesus was fortold by Moses, except that prophecy does not occur in the Old Testament. Nevertheless, Jesus was born in Bethlehem or Nazareth or Galille. After Jesus was born, the young family went to Egypt or Nazareth. Good thing that, because King Herod ordered the slaugher of all male babies in whatever town Jesus was in, or maybe he didn't order that at all.

But don't let these contradictions regarding the nativity bother you. The religion founded around Christ, Christianity, can be found by reason alone. Unless it can't.

Merry Christmas!
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:12 AM
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