American Samizdat

Friday, December 03, 2004. *
Pious Priorities - The Verdict
As reported in a previous post to American Samizdat, the United Methodist Church put one of their own on trial for being in a committed, monogamous relationship (with someone of their own sex). Well, the verdict is in. "A 13-member jury made up of Methodist clergy convicted Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stroud on Thursday, the second day of her church trial. Methodist law bars 'self-avowed, practicing homosexuals' from ministry. The panel voted 12-1 to find Stroud guilty; nine votes were needed for a conviction. Jurors then voted 7-6 to defrock Stroud, the bare majority necessary in the penalty phase of the trial, though her supportive congregation in Philadelphia has said Stroud can continue performing most of her duties. 'I did not go into this trial expecting to win,' said Stroud, who has 30 days to appeal the conviction. 'I went into it knowing it would be a painful moment in the life of the United Methodist Church.'"

Good thing that the United Methodists have their priorities right. I'm glad there are no starving children, abused women, unwanted pregnancies, people with diseases, wars, nations that torture prisoners, or other problems in the world. Thank heaven that we can finally get around to something important to get worked up about, like people loving each other and making life committments. Praise His sweet name!

posted by Trevor Blake at 7:41 PM
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