American Samizdat

Thursday, December 16, 2004. *
In the dream I had
bush cheney rumsfeld
and condi were all
that were left of the army
and a few talk show
hosts: hannity, boortz
limbaugh and o’reilly,
and a few thousand elderly
National Guard folks,
who cheated out of their
retirement had no choice
but to keep on fighting
(hell most thought it
was the same as WWII
anyway—senility will
have its way, it's true)
And Ann Coulter of course
was there too, shooting wildly
at the backs of our deserting
young troops, who were
wearing signs that read:
‘You’ve got to go to war
with the army you’ve got
not the one you wish you had.’
posted by rays at 1:49 PM
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