American Samizdat

Saturday, December 11, 2004. *
A few years ago, a Mormon named Warren Jeff made his followers promise to drain the resources of the only bank in the area by taking out as many large loans as possible. Jeff convinced his followers that the Christian end of the world was just around the corner and since the economies of the world should collapse, they should buy things while money was still valued. This went on for years - Mormon after Mormon took out large sums of money with no demonstration that they could or would pay it back. The total was no less than $18 million USD. And at no time was there an investigation into this bank's strange practices.

The activities of the bank and Jeff and his followers were only revealed when the government investigated claims that Jeff was a polygamist. While investigating the possibility that Jeff might be having consenting sex with more than one woman, the state accidentally discovered his financial activities. So there's your priorities for the day here in the USA. If you take out so much money that you force a bank to be closed, and you do it in the name of religion, you might get away with it. But if you want to have a non-traditional sexual relationship, you better be ready to go to prison.
posted by Trevor Blake at 2:07 PM
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