American Samizdat

Monday, December 20, 2004. *
For the umpteenth time in the past three years, everybody's jumping on the bandwagon aimed at Donald "Tuff Shit" Rumsfeld, our Secretary of Offense.

Don't you get it? The Dumbocrats see him as the easiest target; the Repoobs see him as an embarrassment. The fact is that Rummy was hired to carry out the core military policies of PNAC and the Doubleduh-Cheney Gang, i.e. fight wars cheaply, make the military unattractive to all but the hardest-core Rambo wannabes, develop as many high-tech meta-weapons as possible (seen the DARPA site lately?), encourage privatization of ALL military functions (including soldiering).

None of this stuff was created by Rummy ('tho he absolutely LOVES it). So we fire the stupid SOB - what then? My point, of course, is that we can change all the faces, but the dicks are still there.
posted by total at 8:25 AM
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