American Samizdat

Monday, November 22, 2004. *
Time Travel
Imagine traveling back in time to 14th Century Europe, with nuclear weapons in your suitcase. You get an audience with a figure of authority (pick the one you like best) and you say that you have a special weapon that can kill and entire city of infidels all at once, from a distance. Just leave this suitcase in the infidel's city, run like blazes, and whoosh! A victory of Christiandom. Do you think the 14th Century religious mind would pause even for a moment to act on this opportunity?

Now, travel back in time to the present, where a nation or two in the world are doing their best to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear. 14th-Century-style theocracies are blooming in the East. Do you think these religious minds will pause even for a moment to strike a blow against Christiandom when they have the chance?

The above is not a quote, but it is a thought inspired by Sam Harris' new book The End of Faith.
posted by Trevor Blake at 7:20 PM
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