American Samizdat

Monday, November 15, 2004. *
159 people complained to the FCC that the already-cancelled television show Married By America suggested (now showed - suggested) that people might have sex, some day, off camera. The FCC spanked a USD $1.2 million fine on Fox as a result.

Except it wasn't 159 people. It was 90 complaints. And 88 of those complaints were identical. So in the end, three people who couldn't stand the idea of someone, somewhere, possibly, without their knowing, having sex - these three people cost Fox $1.2 million.

All kinds of wrong here. It's shameful that some people are so concerned that others might have sex (and this was straight sex between married people, at that!). It's shameful that Fox caved. It's shameful that my tax dollars support an FCC that would do something like that. On the other hand, makes you wonder what more people (say, four or five) could do if they set their minds to it.
posted by Trevor Blake at 6:00 PM
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