American Samizdat

Tuesday, November 23, 2004. *
The United States Government has once again (for the third time under the current President, if memory serves) voted to raise its spending limits. But it carried out this vote at the last possible minute, in a bill that was over one thousand pages long. The House passed the bill, and the bill was on its way to the Senate.

Democratic Senate staffers noticed that burried in this bill was a provision that would allow the Republican Chairman of the House and the Republican Chairman of the Senate to view the tax records of any US citizen. When this provision was brought to light, the Senate agreed to hold the bill until this provision could be removed.

Remarkably, no Republican claims to know who inserted this provision. Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says he doesn't know. Republican Senator Ted Stevens says he doesn't know. Repubican Bill Young says he doesn't know. Senators Sevens and Young would have recieved this new power had the Democrats not brought it to light. No Democrat claims to know who inserted this provision.

Is it really possible that no one knows who writes the laws of the United States? Is it appropriate for anyone to think this is an appropriate law to sponsor? Is it time to consider the experiment called the United States of America to have had a 200+ year shelf life and start over?

posted by Trevor Blake at 9:39 AM
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