American Samizdat

Thursday, November 25, 2004. *
"Morality Masquerading as Fact" said Kinsey ...We Need Him Again
Just back from "Kinsey," a superb, must-see movie for our neo-puritan times. We took our teenaged kids and our college-age niece for a post-Thanksgiving dinner outing. And they were full of questions, exclamations and thanks after the movie; stunned at the level of ignorance pre-Kinsey about what they consider common sexual information now.
Then I told them how health textbooks in Texas schools no longer include any information on contraception. The politics of morality trumps science and health and common sense.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Female: By the Staff of the Institute for Sex Research, Indiana University, Alfred C. Kinsey ... Et Al.
published 1953

Via Girl in the Locker Room
posted by RHerman at 9:10 PM
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