American Samizdat

Friday, November 19, 2004. *
According to Josh Marshall:

"Regardless of the outcome of this election, once all the votes are counted -- and they will be counted -- we will continue to challenge this administration. This is not a time for Democrats to retreat and accommodate extremists on critical principles -- it is a time to stand firm.

I will fight for a national standard for federal elections that has both transparency and accountability in our voting system. It's unacceptable in the United States that people still don't have full confidence in the integrity of the voting process.

I ask you to join me in this cause."

That's a passage from a message Sen. John Kerry will be sending out to supporters later this afternoon.

Let's hope he actually runs with this. I was disappointed that he conceded so quickly, but I'm glad he's not completely backing down. Kerry's got a great track record for hellraising, and now that's he's not running for president, maybe the gloves will come off.
posted by Klintron at 10:13 AM
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