American Samizdat

Wednesday, November 17, 2004. *
In 1993, Republicans initiated ethics rules for themselves in the House of Representatives. They claimed that politicians needed to hold themselves to high standards than the Democrats did, and they were going to show the rest of us how it is done. And if in so doing they ended four decades of Democratic rule of the House, so be it. The Republicans made a big deal of the ethical lapses of Democrats at the time.

But in this topsy-turvy, flippy-floppy post 9/11 world, things need to change with the times. What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. The Republicans are now initiating changes to their own ethical rules for themselves because those rules threaten to oust Majority Leader Tom DeLay should he be charged by a Texas grand jury that has already indicted three of his political associates.

The Republican Party: the party that wants MOR(e of) AL(l your) VALUE(able)S.
posted by Trevor Blake at 7:45 AM
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