American Samizdat

Monday, November 15, 2004. *
Bob Jones III
The results gathered by voting machines in Indiana are known to be flawed. The results gathered by voting machines in North Carolina are known to be flawed. But maybe flawed isn't the right word: maybe blessed is the right word. Because maybe it was God Himself who diddled with those voting machines, in order to defeat Satan and put George W. Bush in the White House. After all, as Bob Jones III (president of Bob Jones University) said: 'You [Bush] have been given a mandate... Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ.' Why would God want Bush in the White House? So Bush can 'appoint many conservative judges' who will support legislation 'defined by biblical norm.'

Bob Jones University is very progressive. They began to allow African American students to attend as early as the 1970s, and in 2000, they dropped their ban on 'inter-racial' dating. They felt so strongly about following their 'biblical norm' of discrimination that they gave up their tax exempt status for it in 1983 - wow! They do keep tax exempt status for a gallery, and to keep that tax exempt status they allow gay and lesbian alumni to visit the gallery. Otherwise, gays and lesbian alumni are banned from campus under threat of being arrested. Bob Jones also keeps on the cutting edge of science, 21st Century style, by teaching creationism.

I'd say anybody that wants to get in good with God better fall in line with Bob Jones III. So what in the world are Colin Powell and John McLaughlin doing by resigning? Are the forces of darkness so strong that they are cracking the Republican Party in two?

Or has the light of reason shone so brightly on these and others in the Republican Party that they can no longer hide from themselves: they are admitting that the USA has become a theocratic tyrany and must not continue to walk the path it has started upon?
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:01 AM
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