American Samizdat

Sunday, October 24, 2004. *
Rush Limbaugh Coordinates Denial of Service Attack
Transcripts from Rush Limbaugh's own Web site from his show confirm that he coordinated a Denial of Service attack on a third party's Web site. This is a crime punishable by up to 5-10 years incarceration, according to one source. The victim of this attack has elected to not seek legal compensation, but that does not make the attack any less illegal.

Rush Limbaugh, September 28, 2004: "Let's shut this website down, folks. Shall we? [...] I don't often suggest this kind of thing, but this could be fun here. [...] And, you know, we've shut down the server, folks. That's why you can't get through. Don't tell me the address is wrong, that's what happens when you ask about five million people to go to the same website at once, you shut it down, that was the objective here. We want them to get all excited and say wow, our website is taking off. Essentially in the computer world what we've created here is a DOS, a denial of service attack, so many people trying to get in at one time."

Rush Limbaugh, September 30, 2004: "And so when I heard about this I thought we'd have a little fun with it. [...] I said, 'Let's go shut 'em down, folks,' meaning not put 'em out of business, but let's just flood them with activity knowing full well that that's always gonna happen when I give a web address here and suggest people go look at it. There are simply too many millions of people here, and this is obviously a small website. Shut it down for awhile. "
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:09 AM
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