American Samizdat

Friday, October 29, 2004. *
At last, a solid reason to vote for Bush:

The presidency is a mixed blessing for incumbents seeking a second term, said Ken Khachigian, who worked in the Nixon and Reagan White Houses.

"You have to take the good with the bad," Khachigian said. "The good is, you're the president of the United States, flying on Air Force One and military helicopters. It's pretty impressive, and that's been helping the president."

At the same time, "there's a natural tendency in the media to try to expose the incumbent," he said.

Yep, he looks good in a codpiece. That's good enough for me!

(Stupid "natural tendency" of the media to expose the incumbent! Bad media! [Yeah, if only...])

Oh, later in the article, Bush himself cites another good reason to vote for him:

In his addresses Thursday, Bush skated past the bad news, sticking to his prepared remarks and avoiding reporters. On Iraq, he emphasized that elections are scheduled for January.

"Think how far that society has come from the days of torture chambers and mass graves," Bush said in Saginaw, Mich. "Freedom is on the march!"

Yep. There's nothing like Freedom™ in Iraq! You know, sometimes you have to destroy a country to save it...
posted by Inspector Lohmann at 8:51 AM
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