American Samizdat

Monday, October 25, 2004. *
The Most Unsexy Thing in the World
Think for a moment of the most powerful person on the planet. Perhaps that might be a head of state, or a religious leader, or the owner of a multi-national corporation. Think of all the responsibilities they have - you must agree that they are making some big decisions about large sums of money, many employees, and their effect on the world in general. Set aside for now any thoughts about whether or not they make good decisions - just think about the decisions themselves. There must be hundreds of them every day, and no time at all for decisions that can be deligated to others or left to sort themselves out.

Now think about that same level of decision making in an imaginary person who was the leader of all the nations of the world, all the religions, and all the corporations. Wow, they would really have to prioritize their decision making!

Whether or not a person makes good decisions, there is a point in everyone's life where you have to either deligate decisions to others or just let things sort themselves out. Unless... unless you're God! If you're God, then the most important thing in the world isn't to keep the laws of physics running smoothly across near-infinite expanses of space and time. No, the most important thing of all is the sex lives of people who may or may not believe in God.

Think I'm kidding? Well, tell that to James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and current supporter of Republican Oaklahoma candidate for the U. S. Senate, Tom Coburn. What is God concerned about? People's sex lives! How concerned is God about people's sex lives? If we don't fuck the right people in the right ways then what will happen? "It will destroy the Earth." And tell it to pharmacist Todd Sklencar, who refused to sell the morning after pill to a woman or tell her where else she could get it until it was too late to take. Because God loves them babies, yes sir, that's why God takes such good care of all them babies and none of them are starving, infected with terminal diseases, neglected or abused. And tell it to the sixteen-year-old who was hung or her boyfriend who got 100 lashes for unGodly fucking. Around the world, God and His Very Best Buddies are obsessed with sex, sex, sex!

Religion is the most unsexy thing in the world.
posted by Trevor Blake at 3:27 PM
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