American Samizdat

Friday, October 29, 2004. *
Enteligint Desin is Gud Siens
William Buckingham is a man who learns from his mistakes. When he became addicted to pain killers in February of this year he realized this was a problem. He offered his resignation from the school board of Dover, Pennsylvania. The rest of the school board appreciated his bravery at coming forward as a drug addict, and gave him a vote of confidence by letting him stay on the board.

In another public meeting, Buckingham had stated that he was against the separation of church and state, and that the United States was a Christian nation. Buckingham said “Nearly 2,000 years ago someone died on a cross for us; shouldn’t we have the courage to stand up for him?” Buckingham voted against the adoption of the textbook Biology (Prentis Hall) for Dover area schools. Biology taught that evolution was the explanation for life on Earth that best fit the known facts. Buckingham said he would have voted for Biology if the board also approved a 'companion' book, Pandas and People. Pandas and People teaches that 'intelligent design' is the best explanation for life on Earth that fits the known facts. Buckingham learned from his mistakes: to present Christianity and creationism by name wouldn't fly, but if they were presented as 'intelligent design' then they can be slipped in as a competing scientific theory. "All I'm asking for is balance," Buckingham said. Never mind that the balance extends only as far as the invisible monster that lives in the sky that he prefers, and that the creation stories of other cultures and times would not be given equal time. And never mind that the Supreme Court has already designated such fairy tales as unscientific - thus inappropriate for science class except as a discredited theory.

Buckingham advocated for Pandas and People with everything he had. He challenged the literacy, knowledge of American history and patriotism of anyone who disagreed with him. But Buckingham learned from his mistakes: he appologized to anyone who he might have offended. Not that he was wrong, but he was sorry they were offended.

Buckingham has just won over the rest of the Dover school board, which now includes the following in its curriculum: "Students will be made aware of gaps/problems in Darwin's Theory and of other theories of evolution including, but not limited to, intelligent design. Note: Origins of life will not be taught." Dover is the first area in the United States to mandate students in public schools learn 'intelligent design.' Buckingham doesn't send his own children to public school, mind you, but what's good enough for his kids is surely good enough for other children. If those children happen to be Hindu, or Buddhist, or Native American, or have some other creation story they prefer, well - fuck 'em. And double that if they are atheist kids. Science doesn't belong in science class, after all.
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:47 PM
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