American Samizdat

Sunday, September 12, 2004. *
Weapons of Mass Destruction Finally Found!

Hilariously tragic new counter-propaganda toons' from disgraced yet still gifted cartoonist Micah Wright.

And this just in: Weapons of Mass Destruction have finally been found! Let's all just be grateful that Colin Powell doesn't lie about the important things...

And thank God we're beating the terrorists, except for this of course. Then again, who cares what happens to Australians? Isn't that near France? So what if we're inflaming a generation of moslem extremists near their borders? Suck it up Australia. Suck it up.

You Aussies should adopt the Russian model like America has done. It's worked so well for The Russians. I have no doubt it will work equally well for us one day. Your schoolkids are a dime a dozen anyways...

(Cross Posted to Warblogger Watch...)

posted by Philip Shropshire at 9:51 AM
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