American Samizdat

Friday, September 24, 2004. *
Two Bowdoin students were ejected from President Bush's campaign appearance in Bangor yesterday on suspicion that they planned to protest inside the event. Another Bowdoin student, who worked at the event, was involved in the removal.

Bree Dallinga '06, co-president of the Bowdoin College Democrats, and Ashley Cusick '05, both self-described liberals, said they planned to attend the event to observe and possibly protest by wearing anti-Bush t-shirts. According to Dallinga, after successfully passing through security, Dan Schuberth '06 spotted the two students and requested their removal from the event.

Chris Averill, executive director of the Maine College Republicans, said Schuberth played a role in the ejection. Averill said, as head of volunteers at the event, "Schuberth had the discretion to have [potential protesters] checked out by security." [more]

Now the Department of Precrime includes PreProtest!
posted by Dr. Menlo at 9:59 PM
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