American Samizdat

Tuesday, September 28, 2004. *
Is Now A Good Time to Talk About Framing?
George Lakoff is not a crypto-right-winger, as far as I can tell.

But is the sudden, blog-encompassing focus on a meta-narrative, so close to election time, a good thing?

Comments appreciated.

For the record, Lakoff claims that Arnie won in Cali because of framing. That's a fraud. The record turnout (88.4%) reminds the savvy politics-watcher of nothing-so-much-as Jesse Ventura's success in Minnesota, with high turnout.

Political neophytes, with their thumb's on the pulse of the entertainment industry, elected both men. One was a reformer, the other an Enron stooge.

I believe the Lakoff-framing-meme is being pushed by the bad guys, to distract us from real issues. Either that, or the good guys, to distract us from real issues.

Let's talk "meta" _after_ we've won!
posted by JoshSN at 7:12 PM
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