American Samizdat

Friday, August 06, 2004. *
"There's something subversive and anti-American about soccer."
This is just one example of the wit and wisdom of Tucker Carlson. You know, I had heard the man was an ass, but I had no idea how much of an ass he was. He actually has Paul Krugman on and claims there is no evidence for being worried about the election in Florida. President of Diebold: "We are committed to helping Bush win the election." And that's just the first fucking tip that comes to mind. What is this ass doing on PBS? And why doesn't he have enough balls to have Greg Palast on if he really wants to know about what happened in Florida?

Things like this make me want to take up Tae Kwon Do again so I can kick a heavy bag real hard.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 8:27 PM
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