American Samizdat

Monday, August 23, 2004. *
Texas Cokeheads For Truth
"I knew George Bush . . . "

"We shared many an eight-ball together . . . "

"Oh yea, snorting lines and blowing up frogs--he was the King of that."

"George Bush was AWOL."

"George Bush was big into coke--big time, big time."

"George Bush was very resourceful--he always carried a small mirror and a rolled up dollar."

"His wife ran over her boyfriend with her car. That was funny. George respected her for that. Said she had edge."

"His nostrils were like turbo vacuum cleaners. We kept our sugar bowl hidden when he came over."

"'White lines offa naked black chicks'--that was like a mantra to him."

Texas Cokeheads For Truth

That's our Bush!
posted by Dr. Menlo at 2:10 PM
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