American Samizdat

Saturday, August 21, 2004. *
Kerry/O'Neil debate, June 30, 1971
It seems that John O'Neil, the author of "Unfit for Command" and founder of "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", took part in a debate against John Kerry on The Dick Cavett Show back on June 30, 1971, several years after both of them had returned from Vietnam. Here is the 90-minute audio (15 MB) of that debate along with commentary by RadioInsideScoop host, Mark Levine. The entire debate is worth a listen, but pay special note at about the 58-minute mark when O'Neil states to Kerry in regard to Kerry's swift boat assignment, "you were receiving almost continuous fire the entire time." Clearly, a direct contradiction of his current claim that Kerry was not under fire during the incident for which Kerry earned several of his medals. Also note that at no time during the entire debate did O'Neil make any of the claims against Kerry that he is currently making.

Sorry, Mr. O'Neil, but you have outted yourself as a liar.

posted by Mischa Peyton at 8:44 AM
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