American Samizdat

Sunday, August 29, 2004. *
On My Honor I Will Do My Best...
In most of the world you can be a girl Boy Scout. You can be in prison for robbery, rape, or murder and still be a Boy Scout. But heaven help you if you try to be an atheist Boy Scout. The Boy Scouts of America aren't vague about this ban either - they expressly state that no atheist can be a Boy Scout. The Boy Scouts is a private organization, and I think it is reasonable to allow them to exclude whoever they want. I think it is a private affair that an organization founded by a man who loved to watch naked boys, and had collections of photographs of naked boys, now excludes homosexuals. It is also a private affair that the Boy Scouts - the British original - allows atheists to join while the Boy Scouts of America does not. But in doing so, the BSA should not have access to tax-funded schools or tax-funded public lands, as our taxes are not supposed to support private organizations that discriminate.

But is the Boy Scouts of America is a private organization or is it a recruiting arm of the Mormons? Nearly 10% of the members of the Boy Scouts Advisory Council live in Salt Lake City; Mormons are less than 2% of the U.S. population but make up 21% of the Boy Scouts. The Salt Lake Tribune reports "If the Boy Scouts of America is forced to accept gays as scoutmasters, the LDS Church will withdraw from the organization and take more than 400,000 Scouts with it." As late as 1974, Mormon BSA troops reserved leadership positions for white men only. What does it matter if a 'private organizaton' discriminates against atheists? Oh, it matters a little.

This is just one more example that with God on your side all things are possible - and if you aren't willing to lie and say you believe in an invisible monster that lives in the sky, then no rides on the gravy train for you.
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:18 AM
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